I am so excited about the start of the Saturday Morning’s Blog Cirle! The very talented Alana Rasbach invited me to join this year and I think it’s going to be exactly what I need to stay motivated. See, on top of this, I am also hoping I can accomplish my first 365, where I take a picture every day for a year. And, heck, if I fail, I will still be able to post for the blog circle!
Am I already setting myself up for failure? **think positive thoughts**
My husband’s parents are up north for the holiday so we snuck out and have been crashing in their spare bedrooms. Sometimes we just need to escape our home and pretend we are on a mini-vacation. The kids stay entertained, at least for 48 hours, with the new toys, and I get to catch up on all my Tiny Houses episodes. (We only have an antenta.)
Davy woke up on Saturday with the most epic bedhead. Unlike her brother and dad, she is a go-go-go kinda gal. Usually she wakes up screaming, “Momma, I’m ready to get upppppppppp!” I can’t blame her since I seriously need coffee, espresso from Starbucks, within 30 minutes of waking up or I am close to hating the world.
On this day, instead of yelling like a bangie (<—-is that how you spell that?) she just sat there for a few minutes. I love how straight baby’s sit-up and I adore that she still has some baby qualities that make me want to scoop her up, let her head fall in the fold of my arm and sing my delight over her. Jump over and see DeAnna McCasland from Wardensville, WV Saturday Mornings post! www.deannamccasland.com